
About Me

Hmm...what clever things can I tell you to keep you all coming back for more?!

My name is Cassidy, and I am a bake-a-holic. It's serious, folks. I find myself wishing I had about 7 children who would bring all their friends over so that I could justify baking goodies non-stop. But I don't. Besides, man cannot live on sweets alone. Women can, but I live with a man, so I actually have to cook meals as well. And by meals, I mean casseroles. They are my favorite non-sweet cooking task.

I am not a picky eater, but my husband is. He claims this is untrue, but he's simply lying. I will try cooking just about anything! I gravitate toward simple, down home style recipes. I grew up in Missouri, and we often went to my Grandma's just for the food. No, that's not true, but her dishes are what I think of as real food: biscuits and gravy; fried chicken; meatloaf;  and copious amounts of butter. Mmmmmm, butter. My second favorite food group, after chocolate.  You will find lots of chocolate and butter on this blog.

Now for what you won't find: snobby recipes. There will be no braising or tartlets of any kind. No lavender-infused anything. No vegan, paleo, clean, carb-free, gluten-free recipe of any kind will appear on this least not intentionally. I believe in eating what God gave us: slather that goodness in butter and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Cass- Grandma and I (Aunt Gina) are looking at your blog for the first time. Grandma is so excited she can take a peek at your blog all the way from Tulsa, OK to WS. Who knew this almost 82 year old grandma would enjoy her grand daughter's blog sooooo much. She did agree - when you were little -you ate butter -BY THE SPOONFULS!!!!!!
