
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

7-up Biscuits

Also known as the best biscuits EVER!!

I'm not kidding, these melted in my mouth. They were so good. Like, I cannot stop thinking about them. I'm a bit irritated I just found out about them. They are baked in melted butter, people! Just look past the fact that one of the ingredients is 7-up.

The dough was exceptionally gooey. As in, almost soupy. I thought something had gone terribly awry. I was later proven wrong.

They look very unformed sitting in the glorious pan of butter, don't they? I had a hard time cutting them because they were so gooey. Press on, folks, you will be rewarded.

I wish this picture could convey how wonderful these biscuits taste.

Bottom line: These were an A+++++! Go make these right now. I'm not planning on ever looking for another biscuit recipe.