
Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chicken n Dumplings

I love chicken and dumplings! It was one of the (very) few meals my mother made that us kids liked. It's okay, she knows she's not a Martha, and we survived! I am obligated to say that she does make fantastic chocolate chip cookies.
Now, back to this recipe...I really liked it. That being said, I changed it around quite a bit. I used  3 quarts of broth and a rotisserie chicken. I also added about 2/3 cup flour to the broth, as I like a thicker base. I let it simmer about 35 minutes and then added the dumplings. Now, I didn't use the dumplings in this recipe. I used good ol' Bisquick dumplings (recipe is on the side of the box). The dumplings in the recipe looked a bit too thin, more like noodles. If you like noodles, go for it, but I like a big, chewy dumpling!

Bottom line: I'd make these again in a heartbeat! This is a super-easy recipe that takes very little effort. Nate (my fiancé) loved it, and my brother and his girlfriend enjoyed it too.


  1. Your mon does make wonderful chocolate chip cookies! Will have to try out your recipe.. looks delicious!

  2. It was awesome. Could hardly wait for lunch today to get my mits on the leftovers! This is one of those meals that is even better the next day! And the recipe made enough for dinner again tonight. This one is a keeper. Can't believe how cheap it was too ($5 rotisserie chicken at costco and some chicken broth...i think we had everything else in the pantry already).
